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How this works

This website was built in such a way that creating a markdown file in the docs folder will make a new entry in the sidebar. Making a new folder makes a new dropdown in the sidebar and making a new markdown file in that folder makes an entry in that folder's dropdown. You can modify folders and files by cloning the GitHub repository.

What are markdown files ?

They end in .md Markdown is kinda like HTML because it lets you edit the way text looks like you can make a text bold italic underlined and much more. Learn more in this tutorial i found

I have made changes to a file locally then what ?

Make a pull request to the GitHub repository, if it gets accepted it will get pushed merged with the project and automatically built and deployed (if there aren't errors in the build) on vercel, if it gets rejected, well, it doesnt get merged with the project.

How can i view the changes i made ?

You can run npm install (to make sure all packages are installed) and npm run start to run the website locally and go to the address in the console. The website automatically restarts when a file changes so you do not need to restart it manually. NOTE: The website you are looking at is only accessible to people connected to your network